Monday, April 21, 2008

New Animal Kingdom

I'm creating a new version of Zoe's Animal Kingdom, which is much more sophisticated and a bit longer too... here's a preview photo... so, stay tuned...

Le Rat Voyageur II

It took me quite some time figuring out on synchronizing the audio with the time line... the default on the audio was set on "Event," and the animation couldn't match up with the audio... it was quite frustrating.

If it were just music background, then it wouldn't matter, but since the sound effects and conversations are involved, it becomes a major issue. After doing some trouble shootings and readings, I set the audio in "Streaming" instead... Voila, problem solved, it's that simple.

It's just about two minutes, not long... enjoy!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

door painting

Meanwhile, here's my first painting, the biggest ever, on a door in my living room...

Oh, I forgot to mention Francois's drawing of a dog... yeah, a dog that walks like human, how interesting, isn't it?

Here's his drawing of a dog.

Well, well, well, my last post was a few weeks ago... too busy lately... actually too busy on working on the second chapter of The Rat Voyageur... the animation has been done quite some time, but I was too lay back to work on the audio. Anyway, once I have a chance, I'll get it posted.

Here's a thumbnail of Melissa's drawing in Chapter 2....